+ [2016-05-01T20:05:04Z] jaybe that's difficult to accomplish with me for such things
+ [2016-05-01T20:05:50Z] jaybe i created a template that works with. i have utterson running on/as admin.example.com. ... and while visiting example.com, there are 'edit' links which take you to the corresponding post/editor at admin.example.com. edit. save. back. boom. kinda neat
+ [2016-05-01T20:08:31Z] miklb keaton128 not sure what your question is. You can define the path in config to _posts without a new var
+ [2016-05-01T20:10:24Z] miklb keaton128 but from my testing, Jekyll will find all markdown files within _posts folders. So in my example of foo & bar, you could use a liquid tag to only loop through your blog/_posts but still have access to other posts elsewhere. If that is what you are wanting to do

message no. 134268

Posted by keaton128 in #jekyll at 2016-05-01T19:57:24Z

still confused
+ [2016-05-02T17:15:14Z] spudowiar anyone know how to use a title from other variables?
+ [2016-05-02T17:15:27Z] spudowiar e.g. version: 3, title: "Software version {{ version }} released"
+ [2016-05-02T17:29:20Z] jaybe spudowiar, do you mean to use a variable within [[ frontmatter ]] ?
+ [2016-05-02T17:29:20Z] jekyllrb (frontmatter) http://jekyllrb.com/docs/frontmatter/