+[2016-05-21T14:43:21Z]firmsmorning gents +[2016-05-21T17:51:31Z]miklbHas anyone made a theme gem yet? I'm reading the docs and am confused as to whether when making the gem if it's **just** the theme files I should be packaging +[2016-05-21T17:54:53Z]miklbhttps://jekyllrb.com/docs/themes/#previewing-your-theme is what specifically is confusing +[2016-05-21T17:54:54Z]jekyllrbTitle: Themes - Jekyll • Simple, blog-aware, static sites (at jekyllrb.com) +[2016-05-21T17:59:43Z]miklboh, I think I understand, the gemspec defines what files get used.
Is it possible to paginate two different collections ?
+[2016-05-22T21:57:53Z]Dry_LipsIs there a way to do the following in liquid? Prepending characters to the end of the filename, while leaving the filename extension as it is? +[2016-05-22T21:58:36Z]jaybePrepend and End don't go together. :) +[2016-05-22T21:59:23Z]jaybeYou could append the filename before to .ext with [[ liquid ]] +[2016-05-22T21:59:23Z]jekyllrb(liquid) (#1) https://github.com/Shopify/liquid/wiki/Liquid-for-Designers, or (#2) https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/blob/master/lib/jekyll/filters.rb#L204, or (#3) http://jekyllrb.com/docs/templates/, or (#4) http://shopify.github.com/liquid/ +[2016-05-22T22:01:42Z]Dry_LipsAppending is possible, but I would have to alter a part of the toolchain... So I was wondering if there was a shortcut here, haha