latest 11 messages by tools_

+ [2016-06-16T08:36:07Z] tools_ what can be a reason for the paginator to be empty though there are posts ?
+ [2016-06-14T10:50:03Z] tools_ how are you runing jekyll, via bundle ?
+ [2016-05-21T12:31:35Z] tools_ Is it possible to paginate two different collections ?
+ [2016-05-11T13:06:34Z] tools_ swap markdow and xml
+ [2016-05-11T10:15:16Z] tools_ can you post an example intro ?
+ [2016-05-04T08:06:33Z] tools_ Hey I have a collection where I would like to sort the elements by date and have tried this {% for post in offset: 0 limit: 4 | sort: 'date' | reverse %} but the result gives me May after April, and without reverse the same result. Can someone help me ?
+ [2016-04-20T11:27:54Z] tools_ no one ?
+ [2016-04-20T10:19:04Z] tools_ and how do I use a page title: {% markdown _products/page.title/}%}
+ [2016-04-20T10:18:55Z] tools_ and how do I use a page title: {{page.title}}
+ [2016-04-20T09:06:06Z] tools_ But I would like to send a include path to the render method, how can I do that?
+ [2016-04-20T09:05:33Z] tools_ Hey I have a couple of product pages I need to render and for that I need to include markdown, where I have used this guide: