+ [2016-05-22T22:26:41Z] jekyllrb Title: Jekyll Talk (at talk.jekyllrb.com)
+ [2016-05-22T22:26:53Z] Dry_Lips yeah... are they up yet, btw
+ [2016-05-22T22:27:19Z] gynter currently read only, cuz brokun
+ [2016-05-22T22:27:49Z] Dry_Lips Seems as if the systems are up and running again

message no. 136268

Posted by Dry_Lips in #jekyll at 2016-05-22T22:27:49Z

Seems as if the systems are up and running again
+ [2016-05-23T00:30:00Z] Dry_Lips gynter, I almost got everything working, just a small detail that I haven't figured out... However, I'm almost falling asleep... I gotta head to bed, thanks for your help, mate! :)
+ [2016-05-23T00:30:11Z] Dry_Lips good night
+ [2016-05-23T04:36:41Z] pontiki hello!
+ [2016-05-23T08:16:33Z] gynter ohai
+ [2016-05-23T08:16:39Z] gynter Dry_Lips: wut?