+[2016-05-30T23:36:53Z]pontikiand this is his page head: https://github.com/rhnvrm/rhnvrm.github.io/blob/master/_includes/head.html +[2016-05-30T23:36:54Z]jekyllrbTitle: rhnvrm.github.io/head.html at master · rhnvrm/rhnvrm.github.io · GitHub (at github.com) +[2016-05-30T23:37:38Z]spudowiarpontiki: what's wrong with it? +[2016-05-30T23:38:17Z]pontikiin the head, it's accessing those vars as page vars; in the jekyll docs, it says they should be accessed as layout vars +[2016-05-30T23:39:11Z]spudowiarpontiki: in the old days you'd use page.*, then they changed it
hello, need a little help. my blog https://rhnvrm.github.io/# is not rendering online
+[2016-05-31T00:15:35Z]pontikii should have asked what version he's on +[2016-05-31T00:16:12Z]pontikiaccording to his Gemfile.lock, 3.0.5 +[2016-05-31T00:18:54Z]pontikirhnvrm: that's your answer: your version of Jekyll is different from the one running at Github +[2016-05-31T00:22:43Z]rhnvrmwell, I don't know what was causing it. might be due to github having moved to jekyll3 +[2016-05-31T00:23:18Z]rhnvrmi just reforked the upstream jekyll theme and applied git patches for my blogs