latest 7 messages by rhnvrm

+ [2016-05-31T00:23:57Z] rhnvrm pontiki, spudowiar: thanks for the help
+ [2016-05-31T00:23:31Z] rhnvrm now it seems to work fine
+ [2016-05-31T00:23:18Z] rhnvrm i just reforked the upstream jekyll theme and applied git patches for my blogs
+ [2016-05-31T00:22:43Z] rhnvrm well, I don't know what was causing it. might be due to github having moved to jekyll3
+ [2016-05-30T21:30:45Z] rhnvrm the source code is at:
+ [2016-05-30T21:30:25Z] rhnvrm although on vagrant on my local machine it runs perfectly fine
+ [2016-05-30T21:30:03Z] rhnvrm hello, need a little help. my blog is not rendering online