+[2013-11-15T22:12:23Z]pontikiso, i just ran through the steps shown in the OP docs to deploy to heroku +[2013-11-15T22:12:28Z]pontikiworks fabulously +[2013-11-15T22:22:54Z]pontikironin__: https://gist.github.com/tamouse/7492616 +[2013-11-15T22:23:18Z]pontikihttp://blooming-crag-6285.herokuapp.com/ +[2013-11-15T22:32:44Z]ronin__k thanks
+[2013-11-18T03:14:39Z]pontikiparkr's going nuts on githup :)) +[2013-11-18T11:30:27Z]Ge0rGhm. since I upgraded octopress on http://yaxim.org/ the navbar does not work on mobile devices :( +[2013-11-18T11:53:03Z]Ge0rGawww... typical layer 8 error, the jquery path was wrong. +[2013-11-19T13:58:12Z]Ge0rGis there some tool to generate download pages for a directory? something like a dir index? +[2013-11-19T18:09:35Z]pontikiGe0rG: can you explain a bit more what you're looking for?