+ [2013-11-23T18:36:25Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] Build details : http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll-import/builds/14422623
+ [2013-11-23T18:42:25Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] jekyll/jekyll-import#254 (master - a9c0375 : Parker Moore): The build passed.
+ [2013-11-23T18:42:24Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] Build details : http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll-import/builds/14422631
+ [2013-11-23T18:42:24Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] Change view : https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-import/compare/e1d25e4ee3c0...a9c03755ef0b
+ [2013-11-23T22:11:37Z] hamchapman Hi, is this the right place if I've got a problem with pages building with jekyll on GitHub pages?

message no. 14117

Posted by travis-ci in #jekyll at 2013-11-23T18:42:24Z

[travis-ci] Build details : http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll-import/builds/14422631
+ [2013-11-24T18:43:05Z] parkr hamchapman: No, write support@github.com
+ [2013-11-24T20:28:58Z] jedimind hey if i wanted to replicate the blog posts functionality in jekyll, but instead do it like a wiki (ie not date based, but same basic principle), is there a way to replicate it for say _wiki folder
+ [2013-11-24T20:29:05Z] jedimind ... that made more sense in my head
+ [2013-11-24T20:30:23Z] jedimind more specifically, if was to have a number of markdown documents in a folder other than _posts, is there a way to get the jekyll build to parse those and throw them into a specific directory, and furthermore how would i spit out a list of those like the way that posts get accessed
+ [2013-11-24T20:47:59Z] bret jedimind jekyll will render any file with a yaml header