+[9 years ago]juzemackhmm +[9 years ago]jhassI'm still not quite clear where/how exactly you made your observation +[9 years ago]juzemackI should have taken a note on that, but initially it was linking a file struct on my VPS to a github repository, after following steps to set up SSH, I constantly got permission denied errors. +[9 years ago]juzemackthrough that I found somewhere that it was looking in root/.ssh instead of home/myuser/.ssh +[9 years ago]juzemackI know it is incredibly bad practice, but for testing purposes I put my root ssh key in github, and it worked. Since then I have removed it.
through that I found somewhere that it was looking in root/.ssh instead of home/myuser/.ssh
+[9 years ago]abhvlhi +[9 years ago]abhvlhow can i login and keep it persistent across reboots without usig email password? +[9 years ago]MotokoWeb interface? +[9 years ago]abhvlno. terminal Motoko +[9 years ago]abhvlin terminal