+[2016-07-09T23:35:00Z]jekyllrbTitle: post_url support prepend · Issue #3708 · jekyll/jekyll · GitHub (at github.com) +[2016-07-09T23:40:22Z]pjstirlinghmm, that's not a very sensible position to take :/ +[2016-07-09T23:41:08Z]pjstirlingI'll look at making a patch that adds a post_url2 tag which does the right thing so backwards compatability is preserved +[2016-07-09T23:41:53Z]miklbsomeone here modified post_url in a plugin http://brm.io/jekyll-post-links/ +[2016-07-09T23:41:54Z]jekyllrbTitle: Better post links with Jekyll (at brm.io)
+[2016-07-10T00:26:05Z]jaybebaseurl isn't always desired to be prepended; depends on situation +[2016-07-10T00:27:42Z]jaybee.g. cdn +[2016-07-10T00:29:20Z]pjstirlingerm in what sense? +[2016-07-10T00:31:59Z]spudowiarpjstirling: don't prepend base url if you're using cdn.example.net instead of example.net +[2016-07-10T00:32:09Z]spudowiarpjstirling: where the website is hosted on example.net