+[2016-07-11T20:40:01Z]spudowiarthere is a nick registered for both +[2016-07-11T20:40:03Z]spudowiarlol +[2016-07-12T13:58:05Z]travis-cijekyll/jekyll-mentions#144 (github-metadata-base) The build has errored. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll-mentions/builds/144169533 +[2016-07-12T20:25:46Z]Dexx1_When I do "jekyll serve" --- it won't render the CSS. How do I do it? +[2016-07-12T23:37:36Z]jaybeo/
When I do "jekyll serve" --- it won't render the CSS. How do I do it?
+[2016-07-13T00:22:27Z]spudowiaro/ +[2016-07-13T00:22:36Z]spudowiarI should probably be asleep now lol +[2016-07-13T02:28:50Z]ljchey, i'm using mac osx el capitan (10.11.5), jekyll 3.1.6. i created a new directory, `jekyll new`, and `jekyll serve`, but it doesn't serve the page. this is the output: http://pastebin.com/C8Fqfjur +[2016-07-13T02:28:51Z]jekyllrbTitle: lac:new-blog % jekyll s Configuration file: /Users/ljc/Sites/new-blog/_config.y - Pastebin.com (at pastebin.com) +[2016-07-13T02:30:03Z]ljci've also tried upgrading ruby with rbenv, but doing `rbenv global x.x.x` doesn't update the version in `ruby -v`