+[2016-07-14T23:00:12Z]miklbsorry, I obviously don't follow what you are trying to accomplish, so I'm going to bow out of helping anymore +[2016-07-14T23:05:11Z]FishPencilhttp://ricostacruz.com/til/relative-paths-in-jekyll.html +[2016-07-14T23:05:12Z]jekyllrbTitle: Relative paths in Jekyll (at ricostacruz.com) +[2016-07-14T23:07:18Z]FishPencilbut that's still pretty messy... +[2016-07-14T23:25:01Z]jaybe'relative paths' are not a Jekyll-specific topic or technology/approach
jaybe: after `dpkg -l '*jek*'`, then what?
+[2016-07-15T12:10:08Z]ljci'm editing scss files in _layouts and running `jekyll s -w --incremental`. it sees the change but doesnt update/rebuild +[2016-07-15T12:10:20Z]ljcam i missing something? +[2016-07-15T12:38:57Z]jaybeljc: try without incremental; it is new and still under Dec +[2016-07-15T12:38:59Z]jaybeDev +[2016-07-15T12:50:09Z]ljcthat has the same effect actually