+ [9 years ago] miklb sorry, I obviously don't follow what you are trying to accomplish, so I'm going to bow out of helping anymore
+ [9 years ago] FishPencil http://ricostacruz.com/til/relative-paths-in-jekyll.html
+ [9 years ago] jekyllrb Title: Relative paths in Jekyll (at ricostacruz.com)
+ [9 years ago] FishPencil but that's still pretty messy...
+ [9 years ago] jaybe 'relative paths' are not a Jekyll-specific topic or technology/approach

message no. 143397

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2016-07-14T23:25:01Z

'relative paths' are not a Jekyll-specific topic or technology/approach
+ [8 years ago] ljc i'm editing scss files in _layouts and running `jekyll s -w --incremental`. it sees the change but doesnt update/rebuild
+ [8 years ago] ljc am i missing something?
+ [8 years ago] jaybe ljc: try without incremental; it is new and still under Dec
+ [8 years ago] ljc that has the same effect actually