+ [2016-07-21T17:32:50Z] d3rrial thanks!
+ [2016-07-21T22:38:24Z] spudowiar been fucking around with getting Haml and ERB on Jekyll
+ [2016-07-21T22:38:36Z] spudowiar so basically I create a Ruby binding which calls into Liquid Drops
+ [2016-07-21T22:38:48Z] spudowiar so you can still do stuff like page.title, etc.
+ [2016-07-21T22:38:58Z] spudowiar it's quite evil, looking for a better way, don't think there is one :/

message no. 144032

Posted by WasabiFan in #jekyll at 2016-07-21T01:47:17Z

What would I need to do to call into the "dependency" logic in Jekyll (the code that keeps track of which files depend on which others) from an external script? Is there an easy way to access that code externally?
+ [2016-07-22T02:47:58Z] jaybe miklb, thanks re: topic vs. entry msg; fixed
+ [2016-07-22T06:24:57Z] UniFreak I'm trying to switch to rouge and kramdown, here is my _config.yml: http://pastebin.com/DZr2dAmb
+ [2016-07-22T06:24:58Z] jekyllrb Title: # highlighter: pygments highlighter: rouge # markdown: redcarpet # redcarpe - Pastebin.com (at pastebin.com)
+ [2016-07-22T06:25:37Z] UniFreak all is fine, only that when I'm trying to write a php code block, I have to do so like this: ```php <?php ....mycode... ?> ```
+ [2016-07-22T06:26:06Z] UniFreak if I do it like this: ```php ...mycode ...```, there won't be any highlight