+ [2016-07-21T16:33:53Z] context the password is in the keychain on that laptop
+ [2016-07-21T16:34:05Z] context and this has nothing to do with ssh keys
+ [2016-07-21T22:11:16Z] aluprof123 is it possible to setup custom domain for project? custom-domain.com would point to (not redirect) username.github.io/project-page
+ [2016-07-21T22:11:25Z] aluprof123 so that custom-domain.com shows content for
+ [2016-07-21T22:11:31Z] aluprof123 username.github.io/project-page

message no. 144047

Posted by jhass in #github at 2016-07-21T10:40:58Z

+ [2016-07-22T00:07:27Z] yan I'm trying to clone a repo via an access token.. doing 'git clone https://<token>@github.com/user/repo.git' and 'git clone https://<user>:<token>@github.com/user/repo.git' both fail with 'remote: repository not found'. am i misunderstanding cloning via auth tokens?
+ [2016-07-22T03:44:17Z] msafi How do I keep `master` as the default branch but contributions be open against the `develop` branch by default?
+ [2016-07-22T04:08:30Z] Aspiringguy I am a newbie. Can anyone help? After forking, cloning, branching a particular repository on Github, Which files do we need to commit changes?
+ [2016-07-22T04:25:25Z] msafi Aspiringguy: you can commit any changes
+ [2016-07-22T04:25:32Z] msafi And then push them.