+[2016-08-08T18:43:48Z]miklbnot /blog ? +[2016-08-08T18:43:57Z]exezinsame problem either way +[2016-08-08T18:45:07Z]exezinthis is fucking stupid :/ +[2016-08-08T18:47:40Z]exezinbaseurl also fucks up the rest of the site +[2016-08-08T18:48:01Z]exezinbecause then /blog/index.html somehow ends up pointing to my /index.html which is my static page
message no. 145833
Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2016-08-08T14:41:58Z
nickjj: you are probably using a [[ liquid ]] loop to produce the post index and the loop is built with the "post" term as the variable
+[2016-08-09T01:46:04Z]UnDeRsOuLHello. How can I have a link name different than the title name? +[2016-08-09T02:05:22Z]Gondlar[[ permalink ]] +[2016-08-09T02:05:22Z]jekyllrbI do not know about 'permalink', but I do know about these similar topics: 'extensionless permalinks', 'permalinks' +[2016-08-09T02:05:24Z]Gondlarhmmm +[2016-08-09T02:06:17Z]GondlarYou can set a permalink in the frontmatter of your document