+[2016-09-05T20:32:53Z]allejoyou can contact github support and they'll be able to convert the "forked repo" into a "regular repo" +[2016-09-05T20:33:06Z]allejothat'll remove the "forked from..." message +[2016-09-05T20:33:15Z]ksftIs that a good idea? +[2016-09-05T20:34:43Z]allejoyou don't plan on sending pull requests back to the original project, then that'd be fine +[2016-09-05T22:17:24Z]rindolfHi all.
+[2016-09-06T07:17:48Z]amitprakashHi, is it possible to enforce domain emails on github organizations? +[2016-09-06T07:18:30Z]amitprakashSpecifically, we wish to allow only folks with the company email to be able to access our repos. It'd be even better if we could sign in via our GApps domain +[2016-09-06T07:19:29Z]amitprakashWe do not want to host it ourselves however +[2016-09-06T07:21:43Z]Infininightusers can have multiple emails, so not sure your question really makes sense +[2016-09-06T07:22:03Z]Infininightusers are usernames, emails are just something users can attach to them