+ [2016-09-08T22:35:55Z] eightfold i’m having some trouble since updating to 3.2.1
+ [2016-09-08T22:36:17Z] eightfold _config.yml says:
+ [2016-09-08T22:36:25Z] eightfold permalink: /blog/:year/:month:day/:title
+ [2016-09-08T22:36:58Z] eightfold the links to each individual post on /blog/ seems alright
+ [2016-09-08T22:37:46Z] eightfold but the actual post files generated are at:

message no. 149897

Posted by eightfold in #jekyll at 2016-09-08T08:54:48Z

i have a file called post.html in _layouts. this contains these two rows in frontmatter:
+ [2016-09-09T02:50:30Z] drubio Does someone know who to create a drop down menu inside a loop?
+ [2016-09-09T03:52:21Z] jaybe (default theme!)
+ [2016-09-09T04:18:35Z] Moondhum Hello, just installed jekyll and doc says I should set highlighter to Rouge. https://jekyllrb.com/docs/templates/#code-snippet-highlighting Where should I run this code?
+ [2016-09-09T04:18:36Z] jekyllrb Title: Templates - Jekyll • Simple, blog-aware, static sites (at jekyllrb.com)
+ [2016-09-09T04:19:39Z] Moondhum Please excuse me for my nooby question.