+ [2016-09-12T17:46:13Z] spinningarrow Okay thanks. A bit odd I must say, but I suppose that could work
+ [2016-09-12T17:46:36Z] jaybe sure; a comparison is a comparison, and as long as the right 'decision' is made, .... :)
+ [2016-09-12T17:46:37Z] jekyllrb ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
+ [2016-09-12T17:46:37Z] jaybe ./shrug
+ [2016-09-12T19:26:01Z] jaybe spinningarrow, figure it out? :)

message no. 150300

Posted by spinningarrow in #jekyll at 2016-09-12T17:46:13Z

Okay thanks. A bit odd I must say, but I suppose that could work
+ [2016-09-13T02:39:46Z] spinningarrow jaybe: Yep, I ended up using `date: %s` to convert to unix timestamps and then compared those. Thanks to StackOverflow :)
+ [2016-09-13T02:40:02Z] jaybe ah; great
+ [2016-09-14T01:15:19Z] steveoh hello folks. i'm trying to use a plugin for jekyll for the first time and I'm having a host of issues. https://github.com/agrc/agrc.github.io/blob/enviroments/_plugins/load_envs.rb is the plugin. I'm trying to read env variables from netlify.com. They are always empty.
+ [2016-09-14T01:15:21Z] jekyllrb Title: agrc.github.io/load_envs.rb at enviroments · agrc/agrc.github.io · GitHub (at github.com)
+ [2016-09-14T01:15:48Z] steveoh i'm not sure my plugin is being run