+ [8 years ago] eszett_chatzilla allejo: thanks. its weird it say "0 byte" there, though there are lotsa files in my repo
+ [8 years ago] gynter it's probably not updated in real time
+ [8 years ago] Remram What's the best name for the 'contributor friendly' label for my project?
+ [8 years ago] Remram people use all kinds of variations

message no. 152064

Posted by ankitraj in #github at 2016-10-03T10:31:09Z

after creating issue there no option for labeling canton7
+ [8 years ago] gh-status [Red] Major service outage.
+ [8 years ago] p3lim dat outage
+ [8 years ago] allejo panics internally
+ [8 years ago] txdv the end is near
+ [8 years ago] superguest Right when I about to do some work...