+[2016-10-16T15:48:41Z]nonasuomy_Liquid Exception: no implicit conversion of nil into String in _posts/2016-10-12-Local-Jekyll-Github-Pages-And-Live-Code-Samples.md bundler: failed to load command: jekyll (/usr/bin/jekyll) TypeError: no implicit conversion of nil into String +[2016-10-16T16:05:15Z]nonasuomy_so it was because I was putting {% %} inside ``` ``` +[2016-10-16T16:06:55Z]nonasuomy_guess I need to use the {% raw %} tag around it +[2016-10-16T16:07:30Z]nonasuomy_yup that worked +[2016-10-16T16:23:10Z]nonasuomy_Would still like to know about the line number stuff for liquid if any knows.
message no. 153491
Posted by miklb in #jekyll at 2016-10-16T00:08:13Z
+[2016-10-17T21:25:29Z]allejojaybe: fwiw the welcome message on join still mentions jekyll 3.2.1 +[2016-10-17T21:32:58Z]jaybethanks allejo +[2016-10-18T11:18:40Z]yawkatis there a way to build a sort of "directory browser" in jekyll? i have a few directories with photos id like to generate an index of and then galleries of the individual folders +[2016-10-18T12:01:08Z]nickjjyawkat, if you don't mind using custom plugins yeah +[2016-10-18T12:29:04Z]yawkatnickjj: well are there custom plugins for that kind of thing