+ [2016-11-03T18:24:44Z] jekyllrb Title: gist:c878df5ae8e85f44b571265540e97de9 ยท GitHub (at gist.github.com)
+ [2016-11-03T18:25:08Z] darthbobby Does anything there look inherently wrong with my filter?
+ [2016-11-03T18:25:38Z] darthbobby specifically the first three lines
+ [2016-11-03T18:26:51Z] darthbobby aside from the indentation that got mangled when pasting
+ [2016-11-03T20:57:34Z] allejo Does a loop work without a pipe?

message no. 155662

Posted by darthbobby in #jekyll at 2016-11-03T17:13:52Z

I'm working on my first real Jekyll site, so forgive me if I'm not asking questions in the right way, but basically hat I'm trying to do is edit the tiles.html in the theme Forty ( https://github.com/andrewbanchich/Forty-Jekyll-Theme/blob/master/_includes/tiles.html ) to include a filter that will only list a page as a tile if the front matter of the page includes 'tile-feature: true'. I have tried a few ways, but I'm not s
+ [2016-11-04T14:32:58Z] arrais I'm getting this failure in my PR: `TestSite#test_: configuring sites should have an array for plugins by default.`
+ [2016-11-04T14:33:12Z] arrais ref.: https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/jobs/173226760
+ [2016-11-04T14:33:15Z] arrais is this common?
+ [2016-11-04T17:00:51Z] awood arrais, I've gotten that test failure before on a PR I'm working on
+ [2016-11-04T17:00:55Z] awood no idea what causes it