+ [2016-11-21T20:51:06Z] keekz yeah except not comments, but ratings of items
+ [2016-11-21T20:51:10Z] keekz like 5 stars or whatever
+ [2016-11-21T20:55:13Z] osfameron it's an interesting idea
+ [2016-11-21T22:54:55Z] jaybe tons of ways to do that; can use third party/outsource. could run and use a local interactive server to manage it, but that introduces a true dynamic server and the consequences and risks it brings
+ [2016-11-21T22:55:24Z] jaybe sounds like you should identify a third party service that provides this kind of thing, and use their services. be aware the third party will own/have your data today and tomorrow of course.

message no. 157138

Posted by jury in #jekyll at 2016-11-21T01:01:15Z

I'm trying to create my own theme, so I started with "jekyll new-theme name", but now, how can I tell to Jekyll to use that theme?
+ [2016-11-22T01:57:33Z] miklb this will be an interesting development and one I think gets asked a lot in this channel https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/pull/5591
+ [2016-11-22T01:57:34Z] jekyllrb Title: add 'jekyll extract' command to library by ashmaroli · Pull Request #5591 · jekyll/jekyll · GitHub (at github.com)
+ [2016-11-22T05:38:55Z] wa5ted had a question about jekyll and liquid templating: say i have links /platform/ , /platform/page1 , /platform/page2
+ [2016-11-22T05:39:36Z] wa5ted how can i write an IF statement by which i coudl run some markup
+ [2016-11-22T05:39:49Z] wa5ted only if url /platform/