+[2016-11-24T21:45:31Z]FlowinhoBut still. +[2016-11-24T21:45:59Z]FlowinhoOsfameron: ty for your feedback so far +[2016-11-24T21:55:47Z]osfameronFlowinho: it looks useful. (I mean, I don't have a a specific need for it myself at the mo, but I can imagine it being so, yeah) +[2016-11-24T21:57:35Z]FlowinhoOkay :) +[2016-11-24T22:04:36Z]prxqso pagination with jekyll-paginate has to happen in a page, not in a layout?
Hello, I'm having trouble changing the order my Jekyll plugins run in. Could anyone offer advice?
+[2016-11-25T17:06:58Z]georoothi guys would love to hear your feedback on https://github.com/georoot/jekyll.js +[2016-11-25T17:06:59Z]jekyllrbTitle: GitHub - georoot/jekyll.js: Simple in browser editor for jekyll compatible with github api (at github.com) +[2016-11-25T17:07:36Z]georootsimple setup blog at https://georoot.github.io/2016/11/25/Better-way-to-blog-on-github-for-free.html :D +[2016-11-25T17:07:37Z]jekyllrbTitle: Better way to blog on github for free ยท rahul bhola (at georoot.github.io) +[2016-11-25T20:34:41Z]pontikihi