+ [2016-12-08T18:26:46Z] Blendify well got curl working
+ [2016-12-08T21:01:49Z] DANtheBEASTman is there a way to give someone access to add labels to issues, without giving them write access to the repo or anything else?
+ [2016-12-08T21:23:07Z] allejo DANtheBEASTman: nope

message no. 158637

Posted by aspiers in #github at 2016-12-08T11:17:07Z

they are (or at least should be) distinct concepts
+ [2016-12-09T04:52:31Z] imgglasses I'm tracking with git a folder named `sunflower` and inside the folder there's `locale` and `girasol`. Ok. When I push this to github obviously `locale` and `girasol` are inside `sunflower`. How can I move them up when pushing to github?
+ [2016-12-09T08:08:07Z] ericP pull reqs, e.g. <https://github.com/shexSpec/spec/pull/2>, have a "command line instructions" link which displays merge text like "git merge --no-ff labra-gh-pages".
+ [2016-12-09T08:09:35Z] ericP my guess it that most people who are doing a manual commit want to be able to review the changes. I think adding --no-commit would save a lot of people looking up how to reset the head and do the merge again with --no-commit
+ [2016-12-09T08:09:49Z] ericP is there a place for such feedback?
+ [2016-12-09T09:37:43Z] Seveas ericP: !sgc is the place for such feedback. GitHub staff isn't really around on IRC