+ [2016-12-09T23:10:59Z] jekyllrb (liquid) (#1) https://github.com/Shopify/liquid/wiki/Liquid-for-Designers, or (#2) https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/blob/master/lib/jekyll/filters.rb#L204, or (#3) http://jekyllrb.com/docs/templates/, or (#4) http://shopify.github.com/liquid/
+ [2016-12-09T23:11:35Z] allejo jekyll powers github pages, so it'll remain alive for quite some time i would think
+ [2016-12-09T23:41:51Z] jekky sometimes I hear that it would be replaced by WP, then others say it is the other way around, WP being replaced by Jekyll :)
+ [2016-12-09T23:42:35Z] jekky but one can say that Jekyll is the best and most popular static site generator, right?
+ [2016-12-09T23:56:09Z] allejo jekyll probably is at the top of google results for static site generators :)

message no. 158744

Posted by novonagu in #jekyll at 2016-12-09T03:03:58Z

So generally jekyll will go through the _posts dir and for each .md, make a stylized HTML page and list them out. I am trying to go with a different workflow that's a little bit more involved and I'm not sure where to start. I want to have a directory `projects` where each project is a folder containing an `index.html` and an `assets` folder with c
+ [2016-12-09T23:57:04Z] allejo it really depends on what you need for your site. some people find WP suitable, others find jekyll suitable, some find both and flip a coin
+ [2016-12-10T00:12:33Z] jekky allejo: ok, I really want to try it out because I don't need any fancy cms stuff, and a nice static site means also less trouble
+ [2016-12-10T00:16:15Z] jekky allejo: so I installed jekyll, bootstrapped a new project and now set it up to be a single page site
+ [2016-12-10T00:16:31Z] jekky allejo: and for a single page site, I could still have the parts of the site as sub-pages, separate files? that would be great
+ [2016-12-10T00:31:52Z] allejo yeup, you can include other files