latest 20 messages by novonagu

+ [2016-12-25T19:27:46Z] novonagu I was suggested to use Rake but I know next to nothing about Ruby. So I'm thinking maybe gulp-exec or Make?
+ [2016-12-25T19:27:28Z] novonagu So the pseudocode would be something like $ cp ../projects/* /projects/
+ [2016-12-25T19:26:56Z] novonagu I am trying to automate a task to be executed on 'jekyll serve' or jekyll build. I want to copy files from a superdirectory ../projects and place them into my jekyll site folder
+ [2016-12-23T06:27:36Z] novonagu Do I have to know much about the Ruby programming language in order to use rake?
+ [2016-12-23T06:23:04Z] novonagu like, regex rules or?
+ [2016-12-23T06:22:58Z] novonagu can somebody clarify this line - Rake supports rule patterns
+ [2016-12-23T06:21:38Z] novonagu so it would be and the contents would be what you just did
+ [2016-12-23T06:21:12Z] novonagu so if I could do some regex-y thing to copy over files from one level up, that would be swell. I'm trying to modularize all my projects/portfolio pieces by giving them their own directories, then they can each have their own .git file and corresponding repo
+ [2016-12-23T06:20:02Z] novonagu I know, but the point is that this directory is in ../ rather than same directory as _config.yml
+ [2016-12-23T05:54:12Z] novonagu for instance, copying a bunch of folders into the _site directory. My goal is to have a 'projects' folder on the same level as my 'jekyll-site' directory, and to execute a script that does something like $cp ../projects/* /projects/
+ [2016-12-23T05:53:14Z] novonagu What's the best way to execute a line of shell script upon Jekyll build?
+ [2016-12-11T03:38:29Z] novonagu set, but then the elements inside cause it to break by scrolling.
+ [2016-12-11T03:38:29Z] novonagu I have a boostrap question... I am trying to use the "container-fluid" class because I want my page content to span the entire width of the page when it's mobile. But I want to use the "container" class when the page is desktop so that there's a margin on either side. I have tried creating .container>#gallery where #gallery has a max-width property
+ [2016-12-11T03:25:35Z] novonagu okay it's {{ length | divided_by : 4}} thanks though
+ [2016-12-11T03:24:18Z] novonagu {% assign length = 16 %} and then <h1>{{ length | divide: 4 }} </h1>
+ [2016-12-11T03:23:48Z] novonagu I still can't seem to get it to work, I am using the exact syntax you showed.
+ [2016-12-11T03:09:05Z] novonagu Thanks allejo
+ [2016-12-11T02:22:59Z] novonagu Is there a way to perform mathematical operations with liquid variables? Example - {% assign length = 16 %} I want to make a variable called "rows" where it is the variable {{length}} divided by four. I have tried {{length/4}} and also {% assign rows = length/4 %} and neither works
+ [2016-12-09T03:04:30Z] novonagu My desired product would look something like this site:
+ [2016-12-09T03:03:58Z] novonagu So generally jekyll will go through the _posts dir and for each .md, make a stylized HTML page and list them out. I am trying to go with a different workflow that's a little bit more involved and I'm not sure where to start. I want to have a directory `projects` where each project is a folder containing an `index.html` and an `assets` folder with c