+ [2016-12-10T00:16:15Z] jekky allejo: so I installed jekyll, bootstrapped a new project and now set it up to be a single page site
+ [2016-12-10T00:16:31Z] jekky allejo: and for a single page site, I could still have the parts of the site as sub-pages, separate files? that would be great
+ [2016-12-10T00:31:52Z] allejo yeup, you can include other files
+ [2016-12-10T01:12:53Z] ardian_ Hi there, is it possible to have pagination also in another directory not just for the blog
+ [2016-12-10T01:13:18Z] ardian_ I do havea notes/ dir and lots of files there, and I'd like to present them on a page, but with pagination.

message no. 159020

Posted by ardian_ in #jekyll at 2016-12-10T01:12:53Z

Hi there, is it possible to have pagination also in another directory not just for the blog
+ [2016-12-11T02:22:59Z] novonagu Is there a way to perform mathematical operations with liquid variables? Example - {% assign length = 16 %} I want to make a variable called "rows" where it is the variable {{length}} divided by four. I have tried {{length/4}} and also {% assign rows = length/4 %} and neither works
+ [2016-12-11T02:49:00Z] allejo novonagu, it's a filter
+ [2016-12-11T02:49:09Z] allejo {{ length | divide: 4 }}
+ [2016-12-11T03:09:05Z] novonagu Thanks allejo
+ [2016-12-11T03:09:51Z] allejo np