+[2016-12-17T15:25:39Z]sanketdghi I want to move a set of posts to a different page, and not have them appear in "site.posts" +[2016-12-17T15:25:44Z]sanketdgHow can I go about doing this? +[2016-12-17T16:36:02Z]jaybeMake pages +[2016-12-17T23:33:55Z]solarshi, can anyone tell me why jekyll cannot convert this file on gitlab? https://gist.github.com/solars/261c355d29e5cb4c0a8903b07fc5826e +[2016-12-17T23:33:56Z]jekyllrbTitle: gist:261c355d29e5cb4c0a8903b07fc5826e · GitHub (at gist.github.com)
hi I want to move a set of posts to a different page, and not have them appear in "site.posts"
+[2016-12-18T00:04:09Z]jaybeWhat does "cannot convert" mean +[2016-12-18T00:10:00Z]solarsjaybe: I got it working now, but I have a different problem: +[2016-12-18T00:12:09Z]solarshttps://gist.github.com/solars/326953262dbd93da994e00f0f88277ae +[2016-12-18T00:12:10Z]jekyllrbTitle: gist:326953262dbd93da994e00f0f88277ae · GitHub (at gist.github.com) +[2016-12-18T00:12:17Z]solarsno idea how jekyll wants me to specify that..