+ [2014-01-03T17:58:07Z] L-Chymera pontiki: actually my website loads really REALLY slow - but I don't think google ads is causing it
+ [2014-01-03T17:58:16Z] L-Chymera have a look yourself - tutorials.chymera.eu
+ [2014-01-03T18:02:22Z] pontiki i'm working, sorry
+ [2014-01-03T18:04:42Z] L-Chymera pontiki: it's ok - so, any thoughts on the actual error?
+ [2014-01-03T18:09:29Z] pontiki no, sorry -- i don't use google ads. i'd look at their api docs

message no. 16009

Posted by L-Chymera in #octopress at 2014-01-03T03:37:17Z

could it be that google ads slows it down?
+ [2014-01-04T03:10:09Z] durin hrm, is there any way to get the :categories tag in the permalink to "pretty" the url like :title does? ie: convert to lowercase, replace spaces with -, etc
+ [2014-01-05T02:41:40Z] pontiki erk. getting this error from jekyll during octopress rake generate:
+ [2014-01-05T02:41:41Z] pontiki /Users/tamara/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/bin/jekyll:6:in `require': cannot load such file -- commander/import (LoadError) from /Users/tamara/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/bin/jekyll:6:in `<main>'
+ [2014-01-05T02:47:15Z] pontiki i am not sure why i'm suddenly getting it
+ [2014-01-05T02:50:24Z] jaybe using octopress' "required" jekyll version?