+ [2017-01-10T19:12:56Z] thunder0111 ok i want to replace puppylinux kernel with new one is this possible.
+ [2017-01-10T19:14:03Z] Dazzyp thunder0111 I recommend you try #puppylinux
+ [2017-01-10T22:32:06Z] pikajude is this a good place to ask questions about the hub tool?

message no. 160751

Posted by is_null in #github at 2017-01-10T09:26:04Z

hi all, github doesn't add my gpg key ( http://dpaste.com/1JNPEMN ), it fails with message "keyring packet should only contain a single entity", any clue please ? is it because rsa4096 is not supported ?
+ [2017-01-11T07:53:34Z] aollier jnavila: bonjour
+ [2017-01-11T07:54:23Z] hellcook Is it possible as a collaborator to have the permission to delete branches on a repo?
+ [2017-01-11T07:54:40Z] hellcook (branches I created and that are merged)
+ [2017-01-11T07:55:30Z] hellcook I guess SF is going to bed...