+[2017-01-17T22:17:50Z]string32anyone alive in here? +[2017-01-17T22:25:19Z]sonOfRaAlgebr: nope, membership showing up on profiles is strictly opt-in +[2017-01-17T22:29:14Z]Algebrintersting, I thought it might have been public by default at some point +[2017-01-17T22:34:40Z]sonOfRaAlgebr: I think so too, but for some people it became a habit to add people to organizations with very unfavourable names +[2017-01-17T22:35:04Z]Algebrffs
rindolf: it showed up now, just took a few minutes
+[2017-01-18T01:07:59Z]Jonno_FTWI've used the jekyll blog for my github pages, but I get a 404 on the bootstrap theme +[2017-01-18T01:09:10Z]Jonno_FTWhttps://jonnoftw.github.io/ +[2017-01-18T01:11:20Z]Jonno_FTWeven though all the files are there +[2017-01-18T01:43:52Z]kyanHi, I tried this thing to rebuild the "Git index" after changing my core.autocrlf setting: https://help.github.com/articles/dealing-with-line-endings/ +[2017-01-18T01:44:23Z]kyanbut when I got to the 4th step (committing my changes), it showed that there wasn't anything changed, even though I know there were things changed.