+ [2017-01-22T18:49:47Z] zmo why is it so, and is there a way to re-enable?
+ [2017-01-22T23:14:23Z] juliohm I have created an organization for our research group on GitHub, but I am not sure members are receiving notifications for events like opening issues, pull requests, etc. Where I can find a list of notifications and where I can set them so that everyone gets notified of new issues in any project that is part of the organization?
+ [2017-01-22T23:35:19Z] MrLawrence Hello, when using markdown, and quoting source code with ``` what would be the name for Emacs Lisp?
+ [2017-01-22T23:36:03Z] MrLawrence Or in other words when I encounter a file in Github that is being highlighted how can I know what Github is using to highlight? I assume the name of that would be the same as what ```lang ... ``` uses
+ [2017-01-22T23:38:14Z] SReject should just be ```lisp ... ```

message no. 161763

Posted by MrLawrence in #github at 2017-01-22T23:35:19Z

Hello, when using markdown, and quoting source code with ``` what would be the name for Emacs Lisp?
+ [2017-01-23T07:07:00Z] nondo http://picpaste.com/screencapture-github-CloudBoost-home-pull-19-1485155336348-i5RUt44R.png <<< How to resolve this conflict?
+ [2017-01-23T07:08:12Z] nondo I tried from command line, when I do git status it says > On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working directory clean
+ [2017-01-23T07:11:29Z] nondo Not to savvy with git from command line, any help much appreciated.
+ [2017-01-23T09:32:48Z] nondo Why are .DS_Store files not appearing in Github Desktop?
+ [2017-01-23T09:51:56Z] canton7 nondo, your .gitignore probably tells git to ignore them?