+ [2014-01-09T17:34:45Z] bgy it's not mine but here is the same thing http://www.viggiosoft.com/blog/blog/archives/
+ [2014-01-09T17:34:57Z] bgy I'd like to have /blog/archives not blog twice
+ [2014-01-09T17:36:04Z] bgy mmm
+ [2014-01-09T17:36:06Z] bgy got it https://github.com/imathis/octopress/issues/464
+ [2014-01-09T23:29:43Z] parkr hey all!

message no. 16246

Posted by danneh_ in #jekyll at 2014-01-09T09:03:53Z

They do my category page generation for me. One of them makes the category index pages, and the other provides the pagination for them (overrides the default pagination object to do it), using ejekyll
+ [2014-01-10T03:23:58Z] simantel Is there some trick to getting paginator to work outside of the root? When I move it to /blog/ paginator stops working. I set paginate_path to /blog/:num, but /blog/index.html doesn't render anything for paginator.posts.
+ [2014-01-10T03:25:48Z] jaybe http://jekyllrb.com/docs/variables/
+ [2014-01-10T03:26:53Z] simantel jaybe: Anything in particular I should be looking at?
+ [2014-01-10T11:33:24Z] kaffeebohne What could cause this? https://paste.xinu.at/bfvXQ/ on my local machine (same version of jekyll) everything is fine