+ [11 years ago] bgy it's not mine but here is the same thing http://www.viggiosoft.com/blog/blog/archives/
+ [11 years ago] bgy I'd like to have /blog/archives not blog twice
+ [11 years ago] bgy mmm
+ [11 years ago] bgy got it https://github.com/imathis/octopress/issues/464
+ [11 years ago] parkr hey all!

message no. 16369

Posted by bgy in #jekyll at 2014-01-09T17:32:03Z

+ [11 years ago] simantel Is there some trick to getting paginator to work outside of the root? When I move it to /blog/ paginator stops working. I set paginate_path to /blog/:num, but /blog/index.html doesn't render anything for paginator.posts.
+ [11 years ago] jaybe http://jekyllrb.com/docs/variables/
+ [11 years ago] simantel jaybe: Anything in particular I should be looking at?
+ [11 years ago] kaffeebohne What could cause this? https://paste.xinu.at/bfvXQ/ on my local machine (same version of jekyll) everything is fine