+[2017-02-26T11:16:03Z]thebigjThanks! +[2017-02-26T13:08:11Z]cmrabetHi all +[2017-02-26T13:09:27Z]cmrabetIs there anyway to set multiple folders where to store the static pages content? I'm working on a multi-lang site, and I would like to have its content in independent folders that I can push in git for others to translate without having to mess with everything else (includes,layouts, etc..). +[2017-02-26T13:09:57Z]cmrabetIt seems from the documentation that jekyll accepts only one source directory +[2017-02-26T13:17:25Z]cmrabetHello?
Can anyone guide me How I will be able to solve those errors?
+[2017-02-28T04:26:36Z]hiprakharThe url https://import.jekyllrb.com/docs/home/ appears broken +[2017-02-28T04:26:37Z]jekyllrbTitle: Getting started — jekyll-import • Import your old & busted site to Jekyll (at import.jekyllrb.com) +[2017-02-28T04:27:53Z]hiprakharThis is because the static content (css and js) is being wired over http, whereas the site is https. Can someone from jekyll please fix it? +[2017-02-28T04:29:24Z]jaybehttps://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-import +[2017-02-28T04:29:25Z]jekyllrbTitle: GitHub - jekyll/jekyll-import: The "jekyll import" command for importing from various blogs to Jekyll format. (at github.com)