+ [2017-03-03T10:52:22Z] ward wat
+ [2017-03-03T17:59:04Z] unasa Hi guys. Have no idea how jekyll works but can someone correct this quick code pls:
+ [2017-03-03T17:59:08Z] unasa theme: jekyll-theme-cayman
+ [2017-03-03T17:59:08Z] unasa {% seo %}
+ [2017-03-03T19:21:54Z] jaybe unasa: hi

message no. 164730

Posted by rdg in #jekyll at 2017-03-03T01:37:40Z

noob question - what's the flag that keeps a post from being published
+ [2017-03-04T04:21:53Z] rigid ahoy
+ [2017-03-04T04:23:43Z] rigid i love jekyll and it's philosophy. Can anyone in here recommend a (free/cheap) website builder for a kid to get started with websites?
+ [2017-03-04T04:53:50Z] captn3m0 rigid: https://neocities.org/
+ [2017-03-04T04:53:51Z] jekyllrb Title: Neocities: Create your own free website! (at neocities.org)
+ [2017-03-04T05:06:51Z] rigid captn3m0: that looks cool, thank you