+ [2017-03-11T20:39:28Z] Peppernrino even better: how do i use a different branch?
+ [2017-03-11T20:39:31Z] lemonlake it'll contain the sections froma ll the conflicting branches, you just choose a section from each
+ [2017-03-11T20:39:35Z] lemonlake and then git commit and git push
+ [2017-03-11T20:39:38Z] Peppernrino i keep cloning, and it always clones the master branch
+ [2017-03-11T22:02:26Z] sparr why doesn't github detect that this PR was merged? should the merger be doing something different at the command line to make github recognize it? does it have to be merged in the web interface? https://github.com/andymeneely/squib/pull/208#issuecomment-285902425

message no. 165306

Posted by constant in #github at 2017-03-11T20:07:11Z

lemonlake you're welcome
+ [2017-03-12T08:54:20Z] lorenzo what's the practical difference of using git lfs?
+ [2017-03-12T08:54:42Z] lorenzo I mean if I have some large assets (e.g. .psd, .jpg) and push them on a repo with lfs enabled
+ [2017-03-12T08:54:59Z] lorenzo when I clone the repo back, do I get those assets back or just the S3 urls?
+ [2017-03-12T09:08:15Z] elnuno lorenzo: ISTM it'll download (and upload) the assets when/if you need it. And if you don't need to tinker with them (say, a quick clone to show code to someone) you can skip downloading them