+[2017-03-13T18:14:39Z]jaybei recall reading recently that pandoc does provide for html within markdown; shrug +[2017-03-13T18:29:24Z]HazedSPaCExi built my site on my laptop then when i uploaded the _site folder to my host everything works fine except for the background, it wont load. any ideas to why? +[2017-03-13T18:31:04Z]misty@HazedSPaCEx are you sure that the background is actually where it is expected to be in the _site folder? You might be pointing to a static location that is available on your laptop directly. Use your browser's inspector to see where it is trying to pull the background from. +[2017-03-13T18:38:03Z]HazedSPaCExi cant seem to find it :/ +[2017-03-13T21:36:08Z]jaybeHazedSpace, using a web browser, use the web developer tools to open the 'inspector' and look at the Resources tab/list. that's the resources such as css, jacascript, etc. .. see which are "broken" and not finding their targets
looks like a bug, either that or the docs are misleading
+[2017-03-14T04:28:36Z]imherenowhow could i get the style.css to auto resize a picture and center it? +[2017-03-14T20:50:59Z]mariansHowdy! I have a jekyll site, using jekyll 3.4.1, where building/serving suddenly doesn't work any more after I have worked on the post template. While building, my machine's CPU load is maxing out and at some point my disk gets filled. All I can do is kill -9 the jekyll process. +[2017-03-14T20:51:17Z]mariansI'm wondering how I can track down the cause. +[2017-03-14T20:53:31Z]mariansUsing the -V switch for the build, the output can be seen in https://gist.github.com/marians/344e2cf920b3ea77fe6c632123a2e323 +[2017-03-14T20:53:32Z]jekyllrbTitle: jekyll_build.log ยท GitHub (at gist.github.com)