+[2017-03-13T18:14:39Z]jaybei recall reading recently that pandoc does provide for html within markdown; shrug +[2017-03-13T18:29:24Z]HazedSPaCExi built my site on my laptop then when i uploaded the _site folder to my host everything works fine except for the background, it wont load. any ideas to why? +[2017-03-13T18:31:04Z]misty@HazedSPaCEx are you sure that the background is actually where it is expected to be in the _site folder? You might be pointing to a static location that is available on your laptop directly. Use your browser's inspector to see where it is trying to pull the background from. +[2017-03-13T18:38:03Z]HazedSPaCExi cant seem to find it :/ +[2017-03-13T21:36:08Z]jaybeHazedSpace, using a web browser, use the web developer tools to open the 'inspector' and look at the Resources tab/list. that's the resources such as css, jacascript, etc. .. see which are "broken" and not finding their targets
Thanks for the response. I'll wait and see what happens with the Talk question.
+[2017-03-14T04:28:36Z]imherenowhow could i get the style.css to auto resize a picture and center it? +[2017-03-14T20:50:59Z]mariansHowdy! I have a jekyll site, using jekyll 3.4.1, where building/serving suddenly doesn't work any more after I have worked on the post template. While building, my machine's CPU load is maxing out and at some point my disk gets filled. All I can do is kill -9 the jekyll process. +[2017-03-14T20:51:17Z]mariansI'm wondering how I can track down the cause. +[2017-03-14T20:53:31Z]mariansUsing the -V switch for the build, the output can be seen in https://gist.github.com/marians/344e2cf920b3ea77fe6c632123a2e323 +[2017-03-14T20:53:32Z]jekyllrbTitle: jekyll_build.log ยท GitHub (at gist.github.com)