+ [2017-03-14T21:35:53Z] lemonlake nedbat: cjmeyer96: you can just set up pages for any branch in any repo
+ [2017-03-14T21:36:15Z] lemonlake the CNAME page is there for a different purpose; its there for the github webserver to accept your custom domain as your repo's
+ [2017-03-14T23:17:50Z] Sebastien question, can you make sure only specific files are cloned from a .git link or it's everything ?
+ [2017-03-14T23:18:34Z] Sebastien what i mean is: https://github.com/me/file.txt there is a LICENSE a README.md and a file.txt and i don't want people to clone the README or the LICENSE
+ [2017-03-14T23:18:46Z] Sebastien just the file.txt. Is this possible?

message no. 165669

Posted by Sebastien in #github at 2017-03-14T23:18:46Z

just the file.txt. Is this possible?
+ [2017-03-15T03:24:51Z] ldlework Is anyone here capable of expiditing a request for a username takeover?
+ [2017-03-15T03:25:08Z] ldlework Expediting?
+ [2017-03-15T05:11:52Z] awkx hi
+ [2017-03-15T06:14:27Z] psprint Can wikis use ```[language]\n...\n``` for syntax coloring? Because it doesn't seem to work
+ [2017-03-15T12:11:39Z] adrian_1908 If i edit an (auto-forked) file and press "Propose file change" (there is no "Save" button or similar) , will this already send a pull-request to the maintainer? I'd like to edit more than one file and send the request after that.