+ [2017-03-16T16:23:40Z] zaytsev jaybe: re. front matter thanks, that's helpful, but will the page be rendered when --drafts is supplied, or it won't be rendered under anycircumstances? i can only try it out tomorrow
+ [2017-03-16T16:34:32Z] zaytsev jaybe: re. plugins, i know i am, the question was rather how can i pack them into a gem-based theme, such that i don't have to store them in the content repository or create extra gems
+ [2017-03-16T16:35:14Z] zaytsev jaybe: in the meantime, found the answer: http://talk.jekyllrb.com/t/is-it-possible-to-pack-a-plugin-in-a-gem-based-theme/318/2 and solved the problem of trying to access _includes from a theme by not trying anymore
+ [2017-03-16T16:35:15Z] jekyllrb Title: Is it possible to pack a plugin in a gem-based theme - Help - Jekyll Talk (at talk.jekyllrb.com)
+ [2017-03-16T19:47:43Z] firas guys I made a newbie website using html,css,bootstrap, jekyll , gh-pages. The website is www.dotslashlinux.com . Please visit it and point out the mistakes I made and put me on the right track ! Thanks a lot in advance ! Your help is much appreciated !

message no. 165780

Posted by zaytsev in #jekyll at 2017-03-16T16:35:14Z

jaybe: in the meantime, found the answer: http://talk.jekyllrb.com/t/is-it-possible-to-pack-a-plugin-in-a-gem-based-theme/318/2 and solved the problem of trying to access _includes from a theme by not trying anymore
+ [2017-03-17T04:08:59Z] wshakes jekyll new my-awesome-site
+ [2017-03-17T04:09:26Z] allejo command not found: jekyll
+ [2017-03-17T04:09:41Z] wshakes jekyll 3.4.2 | Error: Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir - /root/my-awesome-site
+ [2017-03-17T04:09:45Z] wshakes What do I do?
+ [2017-03-17T04:09:58Z] wshakes (Arch linux)