+ [2017-04-04T18:13:32Z] jaybe misty: you had asked, i think, about having custom 404 while hosted at github. looks like allejo just describe it possible to host the 404 content remotely :)
+ [2017-04-04T18:15:33Z] misty we actually had a custom 404 and wanted it to behave a little differently, and that is live now
+ [2017-04-04T18:47:22Z] alkatel hello, got a problem with jekyll-paginate. On the github page, it is written it's an outdated gem. What should I do ?
+ [2017-04-04T20:10:07Z] jekyllrb (paginate) https://github.com/sverrirs/jekyll-paginate-v2
+ [2017-04-04T20:10:07Z] jaybe alkatel: [[ paginate ]]

message no. 167218

Posted by kzisme in #jekyll at 2017-04-04T02:13:08Z

Thanks ^_^
+ [2017-04-05T16:56:41Z] kaiser hello! :)
+ [2017-04-05T16:57:06Z] kaiser im trying to use jekyll on my github page but i cant seem to make it load any file besides "readme.md"
+ [2017-04-05T17:04:17Z] allejo ?
+ [2017-04-05T17:04:42Z] allejo you going to <username>.github.io/<repo-name>?
+ [2017-04-05T18:29:34Z] kaiser allejo: yes sur