+[2017-05-12T20:11:30Z]ash_workzallejo: this is getting too unmanagable for me... I know there's got to be a better way +[2017-05-12T20:13:47Z]ash_workzI mean, I basically wanted to just replicate index functionality +[2017-05-12T20:17:12Z]allejoI think jekyll may not be the best tool for your use case +[2017-05-12T20:25:57Z]andsuballejo: Thanks for your help. Indeed the spec does require a space. Not sure why it's suddenly being enforced, but oh well. Guess i have an afternoon of grepping ahead of me. +[2017-05-12T20:26:29Z]allejo:)
+[2017-05-13T04:20:16Z]batteurhi +[2017-05-13T04:21:36Z]batteuri was just trying to install jekyll on a mac (running sierra) and have some problems +[2017-05-13T04:22:21Z]batteurfirst i got this error: +[2017-05-13T04:22:21Z]batteurERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError) +[2017-05-13T04:22:22Z]batteur You don't have write permissions for the /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0 directory.