+[2017-05-13T08:03:15Z]somiajthanks +[2017-05-13T08:04:07Z]allejonp +[2017-05-13T15:08:32Z]somiajIs it possible when running jekyll build to only have it render pages that have changed since the last build (this way if I use it with a git repo, only the changes in the commits rebuilt instead of the whole site) +[2017-05-13T15:21:15Z]jaybesomiaj: read up on the optional --incremental build option +[2017-05-13T15:35:54Z]somiajthanks
+[2017-05-14T07:35:04Z]wakataraI'm trying to puzzle out the option in the _config.yml in 3.4.3 to force code block sto have line numbers (so I can simply used fenced code blocks in markdown posts.). I know we use rouge but most blog posts seem to be outdated and not working. Anyone know the magic incantation to force this? +[2017-05-14T07:36:12Z]wakatara(sorry, I should say most of the blog posts I've read seem to be outdated and their approaches do not work... I am trying to avoid jekyll specific {{highlight python linenos}} type tags in the posts. +[2017-05-14T07:36:58Z]wakataraAnyone know? +[2017-05-14T07:38:33Z]allejohttps://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/issues/4619#issuecomment-191267346 +[2017-05-14T07:38:34Z]jekyllrbTitle: Enabling line numbers with rouge · Issue #4619 · jekyll/jekyll · GitHub (at github.com)