+[11 years ago]nbucciarelliI am having trouble getting my assets to load up on GitHub Pages. I am using:  +[11 years ago]nbucciarelliAny help would be greatly appreciated +[11 years ago]troyswansonwhat is it returning? +[11 years ago]troyswansonyou probably dont need the {{ site.url }} +[11 years ago]troyswansonuse relative urls for image src
+[11 years ago]usrnixHi, anyone know how to set the category_archive path in _config.yml? I can't figure out what it means in the readme: https://github.com/shigeya/jekyll-category-archive-plugin :< +[11 years ago]pontikipfenwick: most of it is on deviantart +[11 years ago]jnardiellohi all +[11 years ago]jnardielloi want to add a variable to the front-matter of each post "language: english" +[11 years ago]jnardielloand then in the main page i would like to display all the posts for a given language