+ [2017-05-30T14:56:45Z] jekyllrb (frontmatter) http://jekyllrb.com/docs/frontmatter/
+ [2017-05-30T14:56:45Z] jaybe [[ frontmatter ]]
+ [2017-05-30T20:25:21Z] batteur is it possible to compare the tags of a page with tags of an entry in a data-file and use every match once?
+ [2017-06-03T06:20:18Z] pYr0rAGE Anyone awake?

message no. 169381

Posted by pYr0rAGE in #jekyll at 2017-06-03T06:20:18Z

Anyone awake?
+ [2017-06-04T22:15:47Z] jeaye Looks like the latest Github Jekyll update has broken my setup; looks like it has something to do with the new site.baseurl deal. I've been digging through the jekyll and jekyll-feed issues and docs, but I don't see why having my site.url set to "https://blog.jeaye.com" and my site.baseurl set to "" should cause any issues. Alas, my atom feed is producing urls like:
+ [2017-06-04T22:15:47Z] jeaye https://blog.jeaye.com/blog.jeaye.com/2017/05/31/clojure-spec/
+ [2017-06-04T22:15:48Z] jekyllrb Title: Jeaye Blog | Jeaye’s Blog (at blog.jeaye.com)
+ [2017-06-04T22:16:09Z] jeaye Any tips on what might be going on?
+ [2017-06-04T22:35:20Z] jeaye Currently looks like a Github update is forcing baseurl, which is borking my reverse proxy.