+ [2017-06-17T10:26:16Z] remote hi
+ [2017-06-17T10:26:31Z] remote can URLs be configured via _config.yml ?
+ [2017-06-17T10:26:43Z] remote my use-case is a single page webapp
+ [2017-06-17T15:24:24Z] jekyllrb (permalinks) (#1) http://jekyllrb.com/docs/permalinks/, or (#2) http://jekyllrb.com/docs/permalinks/#extensionless-permalinks
+ [2017-06-17T15:24:24Z] jaybe remote: [[ permalinks ]]

message no. 169816

Posted by remote in #jekyll at 2017-06-17T10:26:43Z

my use-case is a single page webapp
+ [2017-06-18T13:00:27Z] knob Hello everyone. I am new to Jekyll, and seem to be doing something wrong. I am trying to link to a page inside my site, by using <a href="pages/linkHere.html">Page Title</a> Yet when I click on that link, it takes me to "localhost/pages/linkHere.html"
+ [2017-06-18T13:00:33Z] knob The page's index is currently in localhost/test/_site/index.html
+ [2017-06-18T13:01:03Z] knob So I am not sure what 'basic' thing I a missing from the setup... any help is greatly appreciated!
+ [2017-06-18T15:31:06Z] raulx222 hey!..I'm trying to generate some HTML by using information from a data file.. but I can't get the values from the data file... and I don't know what I'm doing wrong :/..can you have a look please? here's the code http://i.imgur.com/MSF9CAf.png and here's the output http://i.imgur.com/ar1bd08.png
+ [2017-06-18T15:31:39Z] raulx222 I'd expect to get the variable of item.materie but I don't get anything :/