+ [2019-03-08T15:59:00Z] nly It's sorted. Explaining my question helped me figure it out. Thanks.
+ [2019-03-08T16:18:28Z] nly How can I merge conflicting changes?
+ [2019-03-08T16:26:38Z] nly got it
+ [2019-03-08T18:09:07Z] allejo am I the only one whose "Insights" graphs have failed to load on github?
+ [2019-03-08T18:09:16Z] allejo e.g. https://github.com/github/personal-website/graphs/contributors

message no. 170373

Posted by nly in #github at 2019-03-08T16:18:28Z

How can I merge conflicting changes?
+ [2019-03-09T04:49:27Z] keguri Im trying to commit files on github by drag and drop. However, I want to commit files in different directories at once. Is this possible
+ [2019-03-10T03:40:35Z] thejunkjon I'd like to fork an existing project and add new functionality to it due to the fact that the maintainer for the original project isn't interested in the new functionality I want to add
+ [2019-03-10T03:40:47Z] thejunkjon is there a common git-etiquette for doing this?
+ [2019-03-10T03:41:29Z] thejunkjon I was going to reach out to them and tell them about it
+ [2019-03-10T13:31:44Z] HoloIRCUser Is it possible to trigger private Jenkins builds from github before allowing pull request merging