+ [2019-03-28T16:05:30Z] snfgf setting up public key identification, i have id_rsa.foo, and id_rsa.bar; when i clone a repo from github via ssh, how do i say, "use id_rsa.bar"?
+ [2019-03-28T16:06:26Z] snfgf Have a section "Host github.com", then IdentityFile "~/.ssh/id_rsa.bar@
+ [2019-03-28T16:06:27Z] snfgf ?
+ [2019-03-28T16:09:14Z] canton7 snfgf, lots of tutorials online, search for "multiple github accounts" or similar
+ [2019-03-28T16:09:35Z] canton7 snfgf, the general gist is to set a host alias for each identity file in .ssh/config, then clone the repos using the aliases

message no. 170912

Posted by canton7 in #github at 2019-03-28T16:09:14Z

snfgf, lots of tutorials online, search for "multiple github accounts" or similar
+ [2019-03-29T09:59:25Z] BPL Hi guys, I've got few screenshots/gifs from some tutorials and I'd like to create something nice on my github project landing page... This is, not the images stacked vertically but something more like a table... something more compact... ideas?
+ [2019-03-29T10:57:02Z] BPL hey guys, could anyone advice here? I've uploaded v0.0.2 of my project to pypi but the github badget is still pointing out to v0.0.1 ==> https://github.com/brupelo/pyblime , what could be the reason? :O
+ [2019-03-29T11:11:27Z] canton7 BPL, it says 0.0.2 now?
+ [2019-03-29T11:12:36Z] BPL canton7: I've removed 0.0.1 from pypi but the badget was still saying 0.0.1 ... Now i was looking at this to get some ideas https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nedbat/coveragepy/master/README.rst , maybe my README.md is just wrong :P
+ [2019-03-29T11:13:06Z] canton7 BPL, when I look at the link you gave before, the badge says "v0.0.2"